Alumni Memorial Mass 20th June 2016

The annual Memorial Mass took place in 2016 on 20th June and, as usual, the list of deceased former pupils, staff and governors was read out by our President during the Biddings. 

This particular Mass also featured the blessing of four Memorial Plaques that this esteemed association had commissioned and installed at the exterior entrance to the school chapel commemorating the three deceased former Headmasters (Henry Wilson Curry, Don McGregor and Dominick Fanning) together with long-standing Head of Divinity and former Deputy Headmaster David Finnigan. Their names will be seen by anyone entering the chapel via this route for many years to come and it is hoped that the invocation of their memory will inspire many to pray for them and the continued success of the school.  

In keeping with tradition the Mass was followed by a sumptuous buffet with plenty of beer and wine to wash it down.  

As we all slowly dispersed in to the warm summer evening one particular Old Boy (Anthony Crowley— 1983) gave former Headmaster Frank Keenan a lift home in style! 




